Darren you seem to be quite motivated with your book "KNOWN UNTO GOD" you must be very pleased with this new genre you make it seem so easy can you give us any hints as to what's happening? 2 hours ago ·
"Hi Wendy
Yes very excited about the new project 'Known Unto God' I have a great feeling about it, a buzz which of all the projects I have on the go, I can only remember having when writing the Cameron series; which the first book is now out in the US 'To Walk Amongst Angels'. This project is also something out of my comfort zone but I am enjoying it and really pleased with the result so far; so looking forward to getting it done and seeing what the response is. "7 minutes ago
I have no doubt that Darrens newest piece of work will get a welcomed response in the writing community. For those of you who enjoy historical fiction this book would be right up your alley.