Wendy Adams
Promoter & Literary Agent? OH MY!!!!
As I start my day with a warm cup of tea setting it down on the computer desk and logging into my many accounts from which I network across.... I rub the sleep from my eyes, catch a view of the morning sun on the rise, and think 'TODAY IS A NEW DAY' it's my morning pep thought to ME!!! Each day holds new oppurtunities and there's no other way to start the day than to wake up ready to greet them.
One of the first things I do is check any messages left over night. I've already got a good idea what my plans are for the day to make the day run more smoothly. Yes, sometimes I might wake in the early morning hours thinking I need to be sure I.... and before I close my eyes it's been jotted down as a mental note right in the place I feel it will best suit my schedule.
The next thing I do is settle myself in my chair, take a deep breath and think of a morning opening. This might be a catch phrase to those connected to me on my pages, a quick update of what I might be doing such as 'Scouting publishing companies today leave a message and I'll get back to you as soon as I can'. Whatever the opening is it's the first think I do to start my day off right.
After that I break into my routine of messaging a daily message one I try to get out without fail but if something comes up the message is sent out the night before I log off. The day feels completely new, fresh and welcoming.
Here it is only 1:00 p.m. and so much has already been done today. My morning message was a bit longer than usual as I had a goal in mind. I wanted to reach out to those I connect with and put the next phase of my testing Liz Lynch's book 'Smart Networking' to the test:
Morning everyone, As you can see my connections here on facebook are growing. You'd never guess that I was an Introvert person unless you personally knew me. Smart Networking by Liz Lynch says you can network well with just 150 connections and that's why I have chose ALL OF YOU!!! I'm at 102 connections right now and I...'d like to see that DOUBLE. THAT'S RIGHT I'm asking all my connections to step forward and help me out. "Your mission, should you choose to accept it..." ASKING JUST ONE PERSON YOU KNOW TO REQUEST ME HERE ON FACEBOOK. Have them put in the 'Request Box' who sent them so I can drop by your page and thank you! Smart Networking by Liz Lynch says ASK AND YOU SHALL RECEIVE. I am really going to put her book to the test!
From there I accepted some requests waiting and went right to reading groups to promote Authors Darren Humby and Pamela Swyers books, two authors you'll want to keep an eyes on in 2010!
After that I put to use my plan of posting a small quote from one of my earlier blogs for newer authors who have come to my page. I plan on doing this on a regular bases now in hopes that some of the authors find these helpful.
I found myself still scouting out editors and publishing companies that I find helpful to connect with and accepted more requests from those looking to connect with me, I left messages and comments to those I felt I needed to get in touch with. Darren updated me on what's been happening with him and for those who missed it on my pages Darren has a new blog set up on his website which talks about his characters from his books and he own personal views on angels. you can check out his blog at
After speaking with some more recent authors who have been connecting with me I was delighted to find that Julie Carobini had posted one of the photos I sent to her for her blog theme of things beachy and water landscapes. You can check out her post 'Beachy Pennsylvania'
http://juliecarobini.blogspot.com/ I'm so happy she found my photos useful.
With all that going on you can only imagine what pops into my head unexpectly but with warm welcome as the day progresses into a productive day of promoting and networking as a literay agent. I continue into my other pages to post updates and connect with those their, editing and updating my stats to keep everyone informed of what has been released out and what is coming next.
Darren Humby is completing his work on his historical fiction manuscript 'Known Unto God' which I can't wait to write a review up on. Darren is not only an author I'm promoting but a connection I made back in 2009 who has become a dear friend whom by all mean convinced me to take that next step in becoming a literary agent. So, while you read this and think 'Wow she stays busy' things are really starting to pick up and the connections I'm making are working out well. This is really becoming a nice balance between Promoting and being a Literary Agent.
And that's my day so far... You've just had a walk through my morning and I'm breaking for something to eat. I hope you've enjoyed your reading and that you come back and read my next posts.